We give you confidence in your choices

Our Mission:

Cultural Integrity

We give you confidence in your choices

Our Story

After years of observing Native Americans and other Indigenous peoples being misportrayed in books, television, movies, and other venues, Edith Woodley (Eastern Shoshone tribal member) and Randy Woodley (Keetoowah descendant) founded Sho-Kee Cultural Consultants to help guide others toward cultural respect and accuracy in various media, other markets, and rematriating culturally sensitive items to their proper homes. Their advice to authors, screenwriters, educational leaders, religious organizations, educational institutions, etc. has proven to be invaluable. The Woodleys and the team at Sho-Kee maintain their Indigenous customs and offer consultation based on age-old values from their spiritual traditions.


the woodleys

Edith and Randy Woodley have spent a lifetime working among various tribal peoples in the United States and Canada. Their deep exposure to many dozens of tribes has given them a unique perspective based on life as it is in Indian Country. While no one person can be an expert on every tribe in North America, the Woodleys have some important qualifications, including the four years, the Woodley family traveled an average of 60,000 miles annually to reserves and reservations throughout the US and Canada, mentoring and empowering Native leaders in their own communities. Having had the fortunate experience of listening to and learning from a generation of Native elders across North America who have long passed, you can be sure that the Woodleys and the team at Sho-Kee will remain true to the values and traditions taught them.